Headteacher's Welcome

A warm welcome to All Saints Church of England Primary School. As head teacher I am proud to work at this school which draws children from all areas of Stockport. Here at All Saints, we help each other to learn and grow through our Christian values, which are central to all aspects of our school life. We pride ourselves on ensuring that all our children are known and loved so they can thrive within our inclusive and caring Christian ethos. During their time at All Saints we want every child to achieve; intellectually, physically, spirituality, socially and most importantly, emotionally, having created many happy memories at school.  

All Saints provides an aspiring, inclusive education for all children, which allows them to progress to become balanced, self-reliant, confident and motivated individuals with empathy and respect towards others. This takes place in our nurturing indoor and outdoor environment, where children feel safe, valued, loved and able to play a full role in the life of their school and their community, enabling them all to flourish. Ultimately, we promote a passion for learning supporting our children’s lives and inspire their future careers, opening a window on the world for them.

We value the contribution of parents in school life. I pride myself on welcoming children and parents each morning, building partnerships, creating a nurturing atmosphere. Our school will care, love and support all of our community.

We aim that this website will strengthen the links between school, home, church and our community that we are so proud to serve. It will give you an insight to life at All Saints, striving to achieve high standards, providing quality education that is enjoyable and rewarding for all our children so they can all achieve their very best.

If you are interested in seeing our lovely school for yourself and considering it for your child, please contact me via the school office to arrange a visit.

Mr A Longworth


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Get in touch

Let's Connect

All Saints C.E Primary SchoolChurchill Street,
Heaton Norris,

Mr A Longworth | Headteacher

Mrs N Fox | Deputy Headteacher

Ms T Cartmill | School Business Manager

Mrs V Butler | SENDCo

admin@allsaints.stockport.sch.uk 0161 510 8000

Who We Are

1 Corinthians 16:14,
“Let all that you do be done in love”.

Any general queries

please could you email the School Business Manager, Ms T Cartmill at


or call us on:

0161 510 8000