Attendance Procedure

A child has one chance at a good education. They will not achieve their potential if they do not attend school. It is every parent’s legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school. If your child is absent for any reason, we must be informed by text via school spider or telephone call. All attendance is monitored closely. We work with the Education Welfare Service and will initiate legal proceedings if any child’s attendance gives cause for concern.


If your child is absent for any reason, we must be informed by text, note or telephone call. We will contact you if we have not heard from you. Some parents will be required to provide a doctor’s note if their child’s attendance becomes a cause of concern. Unauthorised absences will be followed up by a visit from our Education Welfare Officer who has the authority to initiate legal proceedings.


At All Saints we are very clear – holidays will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents that take their children on holiday without authorisation will be issued with an Education Penalty Notice (EPN) by the Local Authority. This is because children’s attainment is adversely affected if they miss any schooling.

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Get in touch

Let's Connect

All Saints C.E Primary SchoolChurchill Street,
Heaton Norris,

Mr A Longworth | Headteacher

Mrs N Fox | Deputy Headteacher

Ms T Cartmill | School Business Manager

Mrs V Butler | SENDCo 0161 510 8000

Who We Are

1 Corinthians 16:14,
“Let all that you do be done in love”.

Any general queries

please could you email the School Business Manager, Ms T Cartmill at

or call us on:

0161 510 8000